How we help small Businesses

We help small businesses understand what makes them unique and how to leverage that to increase what customers are willing to pay and stimulate referrals.

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Small business owners wear a lot of hats and often have too much to do. We work with small business owners to help them avoid the commodity trap where they end up stuck competing on price. Because most small businesses offer goods and services that can be bought from other providers, price becomes the most important question in the minds of customers. The first thing we do when working with a small business client is identify what separates them from their competition. Small businesses often can't win on price, but in virtually every other way, they can outperform their larger competitors. 

We help small businesses understand what makes them unique and how to leverage that to increase what customers are willing to pay and stimulate referrals. In order to do that, we get to know our client's customers so we can understand if they are targeting the right people with the right message. Through our assessment process, we can identify where our clients can better align with their customer's needs and wants. Often, we find that simple changes can have a big impact on sales and customer experience.

Once we help a small business design it's value engine, we begin helping them translate that understanding to every part of their business. Small businesses have to remind customers at every touch point, from face-to-face interactions to their online presence, what makes them different than everyone else. 

We also work to help our clients understand how they can leverage technology and emerging trends to improve their ability to create value for customers. There are so many tools now that small businesses can use to be more efficient with their limited resources. We often remind small business clients that innovation is not just about technology. It's also about technique. Every small business has the opportunity to innovate their processes to increase their efficiency. 

Because small businesses often operate locally and are less likely to be disrupted by new competitors, they easily get complacent. Before you know it, instead of growing, they are losing market share, struggling to retain talent, and have a brand that looks too many years past its prime. Often, these businesses have failed to see that they have a new customer base with different wants and desires that has cropped up right below their nose. We help our small business clients become more relevant in the eyes of their customers. 

Without large boards and investor oversight, it's easy for small businesses to have business models that are highly efficient and under-profitable. We help our clients recognize the new ways to unlock value for the people they serve so they can attract new customers and drive growth. 

Here are some ways we help small businesses.

Product/service positioning - We help our clients reposition their products and services to better align with their customer's wants and needs. 

Brand strategy - We help our clients understand what their customers are looking for and design a strategy to better align their company with their customers. Before you build a new website, update your sales collateral, or launch an email campaign, you need a clear brand strategy. 

Value-based pricing - Small Businesses should be charging for the value the customers receive, not the lowest price on the market. Because small businesses can offer superior personalized service than larger companies, they can create more value and command a higher price.  

Innovation - Small businesses aren't large enough to have teams of people on staff helping them innovate. We help our clients explore new ways to create value for customers through their products, processes, and experiences. 

Team performance - We help our clients get the most out of their people by equipping them with the simple tools that are foundational to all high-performance teams. 

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